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Bob Ginsberg

Are we all Actors?

One question that I asked myself when I entered a romantic relationship with an actor is “How can I know if she is telling me the truth?” Actors spend their whole lives honing their craft so that they can pretend to be people that they are not. It is true that many actors draw upon personal experiences and emotions when performing, but they are also skilled imposters. However, I have no worries about my relationship. I have a decent bullshit detector, and I also focus on one’s heart. If you can feel the raw energy and emotion sent in your direction, that removes all doubt.

I have been told that we are all actors to some degree, as we constantly play distinct roles. Parent, child, partner, friend, educator, clergy, counselor, all require interactive skill. We often verbalize and react in ways that do not reflect our true self, as we fulfill our roles by saying what we think one needs to hear. Our acting parts often have altruistic goals, as we seek to help others by withholding information, flattering, or boosting morale. On the other hand, some are driven by ego as they embellish their own position, try to satisfy their own desire to be liked, our seek power.

Speaking from the heart and always being truthful is a foreign concept among the majority, and one can certainly argue that it has been this way since the dawn of man. Politics, wars, conflict, bigotry, religious fervor, and persecution, all can be traced to ego, greed, manipulation, power, and a desire to control.

 I can’t conceive of this ever changing, as it is the nature of human behavior. However, for those who believe that consciousness survives physical death, there is hope. As entities of energy and thought, with a mind that is transparent and an open book, and the absence of material possessions, there is no incentive for ego. If love and compassion become our currency, it’s a whole new ballgame. Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but logic and evidence tell me otherwise. In a world where everything appears to have a purpose, it simply makes no sense in the grand scheme of things to be extinguished forever.

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